Julia Marie

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2020 Lion’s Gate Opening</a>

Another Download of Cosmic Light Codes

The Lion’s Gate Opening brings another download of Light. Beginning in late July and lasting through mid-August, the Universe opens a portal and cosmic energy surges between the spiritual and physical realms.

For thousands of years, humanity has had access to these downloads from the star Sirius. This yearly portal reaches its peak on 08/08/2020 this year.

What the Lion’s Gate Means for You

This portal is called the Lion’s Gate because it happens in August under the Zodiac sign of Leo, the Lion.

Our Earth and the star Sirius come into alignment during this time every year, and like tumblers of a lock falling into place, a powerful energetic portal opens and humanity – individually and collectively – has an opportunity to accelerate the Ascension process.

Sirius is the brightest star in our sky, and when it rises during this time, it appears to move even closer to Earth.

A massive surge of Light carrying the keys and codes of humanity’s Ascension are transmitted through this portal to any who are open to receive them.

These Light Codes energize the human energy field and activate the relevant dormant DNA strands according to each individual’s awakening process.

I am offering a 12 Strand Activation Meditation on 08/08, and if you feel drawn to participate, you are welcome to join us. This meditation was given to me by the Star Realms over a decade ago, and it hasn’t been shared with the public for many years.

Ascension, Accelerated

The Lion’s Gate portal is always potent, and each year different cosmic and planetary alignments add magnifying frequencies to this cosmic download.

Our year – 2020 – is a symbolic influence this Lion’s Gate. 20/20 is the designation given for perfect vision. 2020 is full of opportunities for each of us to see clearly what we want and, more importantly, what we don’t want in our lives moving forward.

Take some time to review the relationships in your life. Are some of them more toxic than others? Do you have some old patterns of thinking that no longer reflect the person you are now?

Write down what you want to purge from your life, then use the Lion’s Gate portal opening to help you clean your spiritual house.

This 08/08 Gate presents the opportunity for new beginnings on a massive scale as it brings with it new levels of consciousness, of Awareness, for the planet and for each of us.

We can experience peace. We can be free. It is up to us, collectively, to choose that for ourselves.

What you can do to minimize the effects of the incoming energy

This kind of energy can make you anxious, moody, and tired. If this is not normal for you, try some of these simple remedies that can help you get through this.

If you are exhausted, don’t fight through it. Rest instead. You will get more done in the long run.

Be kind to yourself. Don’t over-schedule yourself for the next few weeks.

Increase your water intake. Water is a natural conductor, and helps the currents flow through your bio-electrical system. If you add a little lemon juice, it helps move toxins out of your body.

Unplug from your devices. All of them. As much as possible. Instead, go inside to the silence within. Take some time to just ‘be’. Breathe.

A powerful door is opening. Will you step through it?